Trained to Know

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 2:9-12 KJV

9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

In a recent conversation about a person who seemed frustrated (clueless) about why certain negative things happened in their life, we (ihlcc) thought about their problem. Quite often we wondered, “Why can’t they see that? Or Why didn’t they get something in their heart to help them see their way out of their dilemma?” Of course when we use the term, “Why did they get something in their heart?” we are referring to an instruction or guidance or direction from the Lord. On that thought this message is born because each spirit of man (or woman) must be “trained to know”. We (ihlcc) will explain by revealing that your re-born spirit comes into manifestation as a new born baby. Thus, this new spirit (reborn spirit) needs food and nourishment and guidance. Yes, we could even say that the new born-again spirit of man desperately needs God’s food and God’s nourishment and God’s guidance to properly grow and develop. Just like a new-born infant needs all three elements to live we also need those same three elements to grow and prosper in Christ Jesus. This does not just apply to new Christians but rather all Believers because we all need God’s Help in our life. The first element being food is what we refer to as the Word of God. We must be willing to spend a healthy amount of time in God’s Word to know and understand God more accurately. This continuous diet of the Holy Bible is a vital part of your “Training to Know” because without “knowing” God’s Thoughts you will never know God. The second element of nourishment is similar to “knowing” God’s Immutable Love. Yes, understanding that God is Love and His Love is everlasting and always outward reaching is critical to your personal knowledge of God. Thus, how can you know God unless you know of God’s Great Love for you and all mankind? Yes, this never failing love of God motivates us to consider others before ourselves and it prompts us for compassion and mercy over hate and judgment. All those who are “Trained to Know” have to understand that God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save all those who were/are destine to Hell. Continuing on the third necessary element for being “trained to know” is guidance. Of course, one could comment, “Isn’t God’s Word all the guidance we need? We come humbly answer God’s Word is all the guidance you need concerning the general will of mankind. However, when to apply which scripture to each circumstance in your life means you need additional spiritual guidance. This is the exact reason the Lord Jesus Christ freely gave us His Holy Spirit because the Good Lord knew there would be times when He needed to speak a very specific word to you because it is your specific answer for what you are facing today. Yes, divine guidance can cover everything from which church should I join to which job should I take or do I go out with this person or that person? These examples are all important issues in God’s eyes and we must “train our hearts to know” which decision is from God and which decisions are not. We have found it very easy to say, “The Lord told me this or that” but it is not as easy to say the Lord spoke this to me based upon the scriptures found in thus and thus (chapter and verse). Thus, it is our will and God’s desire that all of His Children “train their heart to know” exactly what is of God and what is not of God. Good discernment of right and wrong brings better decisions of God which leads to a brighter destiny in Christ Jesus. Your reborn spirit of God which is your heart should be “trained” to go directly to the Holy Bible to prove all things that are supposed to be God and hold fast to the things that are true. This discipline study of God’s Word on a consistent basis will develop your heart to properly discern the difference between good and evil. Yes, studying God’s Word in the context of God’s Love will yield the final result of God’s Guidance on a consistent basis. Yes, it is just as important to know what God is not saying as it is to know what He is saying, yet this understanding of both good and bad comes from your knowledge of God. Having a sound (solid, in-depth, mature, intimate) knowledge of God will develop your “knowing” of God’s Ways, God’s Principles and God’s Will for all things taking place in your life. Thus, this “Training to Know” is a direct reflection of how discipline you are concerning time in God’s Word and time in God’s Presence of Peace and Love. Yes, you must spend a fair amount of time reading and writing down what you are seeing in God’s Word and at the same time you must be spending time in God’s Presence pondering His (The Lord’s) goodness and love to aid in your falling in love with God. This is why praising God is so powerful because it changes your whole perspective of Jesus and our Heavenly Father. Of course our Father God and Lord Jesus Christ are both very faithful to love us for eternity but do we love God with the same intensity? The correct answer is “No” but we could love God more if we desire to. The Holy Bible state in John 14:23 that those who do (practice, keep, obey) My Word are those who love me. Moreover all the children of God have the potential to love God more based upon our willingness to practice (do, keep, obey) His Word in all that we do. So the next time you might hear someone admit that they are not seeing the results they need consider if they have “trained their reborn spirit to know” God’s Will. If the answer comes back yes, based on this article simply thank God that they obey what they heard from God. If the answer comes back “No” encourage them to read the Word, worship the Lord for His Great Love for them and expect divine guidance. Lastly, if you have no clue of their spiritual state offer them your Christian services to pray for them concerning “Training their spirit to know” God’s Will because that is the only way they can enjoy their life while living upon this earth in this day and at this hour. Jesus came to reveal God The Father’s Will but we must be “trained to know” it (Him) because it (knowing God) doesn’t happen automatically for the Believer who is unwilling to do their part. Amen!